Taboos and Superstitions of Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year have many Taboos and Superstitions. Many of us will follow it so that we will have good fortune in the whole year including me. Following are the Taboos and Superstitions when Chinese New Year:

1. Do not take a nap in the afternoon. People believe that is take a nap in the afternoon, people will become lazy whole year.
2. Do not broke the plate or glasses. It is to prevent disaster come.
3. Do not scold each others including children. It is same to prevent disaster come.
4. Do not wear whole black or whole white cloth and dress to greeting others. It is because this two colour is for funeral arrangement and also will bring bad luck to others.
5. Do not entertain relative or friends in the bedroom because this is not respect to others, should do it at living room.
6. Do not collect debt or been collect by others because it will mean we will bad luck all the year.
7. Do not borrow money from others. If do it will happen whole year.
8. Women whole marry should back to their own parent house in second day of Chinese New Year and should bring gift back to home. Gifts must be in even numbers.



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